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Open banking, a revolutionary concept that has gained significant traction in recent years, is poised to reshape the financial services industry. By allowing third-party providers and fintechs to access customers' financial data securely and with the...
Creating Equal Opportunities: The Role of Lenders in Financial Inclusion
Access to financial services plays a pivotal role in pursuing a fair and equitable society. It empowers individuals and communities, fosters economic growth, and promotes social...
The financial services landscape in the United Kingdom is undergoing a transformative shift, catalysed by the emergence of Open Banking. This innovative approach to data sharing and financial integration is poised to reshape the way consumers and bus...
There are 25 million-plus homeowners in the UK with a mortgage. Repayments for these mortgages can take a hefty slice out of their budget.
Higher interest rates have been pushing up the cost of mortgages. This is despite a fall in house prices.
In th...
Effects of the Rising Inflation on the Cost of Living in the UK
The pandemic has led to a disruption in the global economy. And as the world is trying to heal from its high impact, inflation has hit Britain at its fastest pace this year compared to t...
How does inflation affect lending and credit
The current economic climate is challenging for families and people across the UK. In the wake of the worst of the pandemic, the cost of living has increased in many areas. In response to these pressures,...