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Oldham Branch


39 Albion Street,


01616 969632

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About us

Everyday Lending Limited was established in 2006 and has branches nationwide; we are committed to professional, responsible lending.

Serving Customers Nationwide

Over 300,000 Customers since our inception in 2006

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2021 2023 6 Branches Over 75 Branches 2006

Points of Interest: Oldham

The Pennines are a beautiful place, and they are home to an established town of 100,000 residents in the form of Oldham. One of Greater Manchester’s longest standing towns, the location has a serious heritage relating to the industrial revolution.

Known at the time as a ‘boomtown’, Oldham was one of the very first places in the entire country to embrace – and subsequently grow spectacularly quickly – the very new cotton and textiles industry. At the peak of the industrial revolution, Oldham was the most productive manufacturing centre of these materials in the entire world and placed a massive role in the overall economy of the country at the time.

Since then, of course, the textiles industry has declined and spread globally. Oldham now has moved its economy to be aimed as a centre for modern businesses in addition to higher education and performing arts. The impact of the industrial revolution can still be seen in the architecture of the town, however, with many of the cotton mills and related buildings having been renovated or used as museum pieces. History remains important to the town, with a range of museums such as the Saddleworth offering glimpses into the various facets of the town’s rich past and heritage.

Nowadays, there’s much to offer residents and visitors. The Dovestone Reservoir ranks as number one on local attractions and is situated in an area of wildly beautiful rolling hills. More central attractions such as the Tandle Hill Country Park and Lancaster Park & Animal Farm make day trips a fun and the convenient possibility for those so inclined.

A wonderful town and one that is vitally important to tell the full story of the country’s heritage and past. Our Everyday Loans branch is in a great place indeed.